Latest PDH Articles

Pauper Commander
Submitting your cPDH Deck
It's the most wonderful time of the year
March 31 | Chev Eldrid

Pauper Commander
Top Personal EDH Parallels for Pauper
Revisiting our favorite Commander Strategies at common.
March 18 | Chev Eldrid Julian Leal

Pauper Commander
Neon Dynasty Pauper Commander Precons
Why let EDH have all the fun?
March 03 | Julian Leal

Pauper Commander
PDH Naomi, Pillar of Order
An order of artifacts and enchantments, with a side of tokens
February 24 | Julian Leal

Pauper Commander
Top 10 Neon Dynasty Cards for PDH
Cyberpunk 2022
February 10 | Chev Eldrid Julian Leal

Pauper Commander
Hexdrinkers Vs Tryhards
Special Thanks to the Tryhards for making this possible!
December 19 | Chev Eldrid Julian Leal