Latest Standard Articles

On the Rocks
There's No 'I' in Temur Adventures(Standard)
Heeding the call once again.
August 25 | Julian Leal

On the Rocks
Only The Luckiest of Clovers (Standard)
I swear to god if I see another Tinder bio that says something about wanting to go on an ‘Adventure’...
July 06 | Julian Leal

On the Rocks
You feelin’ hungry, punk? (Standard)
Cat and Oven. Name a more iconic duo. I’ll wait.
June 18 | Julian Leal

Rev Your Engines
Outlaws' Merriment (Standard)
A Bandit, a Dwarf, a Vampire, a Zombie, and a Rakdos Cult Member Walk Into a Bar...
June 11 | Julian Leal

Defenders of the Realm (Standard)
Heroes Live Forever. Legends Never Die.
June 05 | Julian Leal

On the Rocks
Everyday I'm Cyclin' (Standard)
scryfall search - f:standard o:'cycling {1}'
May 28 | Julian Leal

Hello Dawn, My Old Friend (Standard)
A cute firefox companion? 3 mana. Activated abilities? 2 generic less. A ridiculous combo? Priceless.
May 28 | Julian Leal