
The Arc of the Return

14 Oct 2021 - 10 min read

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image sourced from scryfall.com

Oh, hey there, long time no see! Looks like the Arc of All or Nothing became the Arc of, well… nothing. Life happens, yadda yadda, y’all don’t care about that. You just want the juicy decks that I provide. Well lucky for you, the Year of Brew is being rebirthed like a phoenix just in time to warm you up as the temperature cools down for fall. It’s the Arc of the Return!

The Arc of the Return, besides being some grandiose glorification of the fact that I’m brewing more decks for y’all (god I’m self-important…) is also an exercise is brewing with Legends that have appeared in some form or another in our Hexdrinkers content, so stay tuned for some fresh takes on some old favorites. And also, because I can’t help but spoil y’all, this is a 4-for-1 article; 4 sweet decks, no nonsense. So buckle up.

Glacian, Powerstone Engineer

image sourced from scryfall.com
image sourced from scryfall.com
image sourced from scryfall.com

Going back to one of our first Group Brews, Glacian, Powerstone Engineer is an underappreciated commander who can really churn through your deck, and with partner can be versatile to assist in nearly any type of artifact deck. Back then I was trying to make work a bastardized and greedy combo deck. After months of tinkering, I’ve found that in Bant, we can play a bunch of token makers, doublers, and all the Laboratory Maniac -esque win-cons. Make as many artifacts as possible with tokens or by chaining zero mana trinkets, and then tap them to dump massive chunks of your deck while nabbing those essential combo or protection pieces.

Dakkon Blackblade

image sourced from scryfall.com
image sourced from scryfall.com
image sourced from scryfall.com

Next, from our first Roast, it’s my long time favorite, and now retiree, Dakkon Blackblade . During the roast, the boys absolutely hammered Dakkon for not really doing anything, and also me for not building a deck based around him. Yeah, so what if he cares about lands, but isn’t in green? Nowadays, we have enough good tech to attempt a proper land ramp and voltron strategy for Dakk. Add in some light stax and land reanimation tech and we’ll be putting people to the sword immediately ( Blackblade Reforged is actually included this time).

Wulfgar of Icewind Dale

image sourced from scryfall.com
image sourced from scryfall.com
image sourced from scryfall.com

One of our most recent and exciting Group Brew was for AFC legend, Wulfgar of Icewind Dale . We made a bunch of different build paths for him in that episode, but I still had a bunch of half-baked strategy leftover in the kitchen. Here’s a simple, but effective build functioning as a hybrid between a Gruul control deck (yes, it’s a thing, let me live) and the ultimate Timmy experience. Decimate your opponent’s board and ramp until you can double the most brutal of attack triggers on things like Drakuseth, Maw of Flames and Atarka, World Render (cause there’s a slight dragon subtheme). It’s Gruul being Gruul in the biggest way.

Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant

image sourced from scryfall.com
image sourced from scryfall.com
image sourced from scryfall.com

This inclusion may surprise even our longtime and avid listeners as… Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant was never featured in any of our content… at least, not officially. One of the very first episodes we went to record was a Group Brew for Nev, and due to our decks being too powerful, the necromancer himself smited our recordings into corruption and disarray, so the episode was never released. However, I have condensed our ideas into a tasty list here based on abusing blinks, Supernatural Stamina -type effects, and lots of good ol’ Wrath of God s to assemble a horde and overwhelm our opponents.

Well that concludes this deck dump, but we’ve got a lot of ground to cover so expect more articles and brews like this in the future and stay tuned!

Find these decklists as well as the rest of the Year of Brew decklists at the Hexdrinker’s Moxfield page!

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