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Pauper Commander
Top 10 EDH Parallels
How to give your favorite commanders a classy downgrade
July 02 | Chev Eldrid Julian Leal
Pauper Commander
An Introduction to Pauper Commander
The gang is coming for PDH
June 10 | Chev Eldrid
Pauper Commander
Top 10 Cards in Modern Horizons 2 for PDH
Gettin crazy in the commons
June 10 | Chev Eldrid
The Year of Brew
Week 19: All Permanents, All the Time
Trying Hard or Hardly Trying? Yes.
May 23 | Julian Leal
Top Ten Forests
Chev joked about it, and now it's here! Enjoy the amazing artwork for the best kind of basic land.
May 17 | Eric von Allmen
The Year of Brew
Week 16: Oak Didn't Ask, But I Obliged Anyway
Mo' Colors, Mo' Problems.
April 26 | Julian Leal